performing this lab to find out how many drops of water can fit on a penny Also to learn about variables Hypothesis The surface tension won't be as good with hot water because the atoms will be farther apart. Procedure Materiales thermointer eye dropper 200ml of room-temperature water paper towels 1 penny Experiment Controlled setup place penny on flat surface tails up using room-temperature water, add a drop of water once at a time to the top of the penny. Count the number
up of a different composition. Cohesion and adhesion plays a role in the surface tension shown in procedure D. This allows the drops of solution to stick to the surface of the penny. From this the distilled water had a higher average followed by the salt solution then the sugar solution. This may lead to the conclusion that bonding between the substance whether it be NaCl or sucrose will easily break the surface tension, thus a lower average than distilled water. In which salt ions may play in