Roger Chillingworth In The Scarlett Letter

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Reading Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, “The Scarlett Letter”, a very grave question pops up into the conscience of the readers: “What character in the story has committed the most sinful acts?”. One reader can propose that Hester Prynne was sinful for not only she committed adultery behind her husband’s back, but to yet entice a Christian Clergy. A few would argue that Roger Chillingworth would be hold responsible for planning to act on cold revenge against the adulterer. Despite that all two characters executed horrible sins, Arthur Dimmesdale, also known as the Reverend, perpetrate the most sinful acts of all. For being not only a disciple of God himself, but act such as a “messenger” or “role model” for the citizen of the colony. The Massachusetts…show more content…
“[I] charge thee to speak out the name of the fellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer!” (Dimmesdale 102). Not only to “prosecute”, but brave enough to ask her the identity of the adulterer (him). Hypocrite for exhorting to others to confession, but not to himself, a man that is at dishonest, is a flaw tool. As it proceeds, Hester chose not to name the adulterer, in which that Dimmesdale “drew back with a long respiration” (Hawthorne 104). Not only the evidence of his relief was revealed, but to hide the truth just only prolong the suffering. Sooner or later, judgment day will roll by, either to be steam-rolled or to be…show more content…
They would plead that he had enough punishments already. “In Mr. Dimmesdale’s secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge” (Hawthorne 217). Of this was the very whip that “Protestant and Puritan divine had plied it on his own shoulders […] rigorously, an until his knees trembled beneath him, as an act of penance” (Hawthorne 217) and that of “through fast and vigil” (Hawthorne 333) in which Dimmesdale desperately sought penance. Even if the Reverend tortured himself to death, the iniquitous deed was already concluded. Pity can have its tolerance, but not only cheat the husband, but to conceive a living life is intolerable, a daily reminder for Roger Chillingworth. Putting aside the consequence of such named sins from the Bible, the very words of Arthur Dimmesdale expel any further commiseration. “There is no substance in it! Of penance, I have enough! Of penitence, there has been none!” (Dimmesdale 288). The Reverend admits that there is not much, or specifically none he can do to repent himself. The only way is to let God himself decide, to truly decide, is to adhere to the Bible, in which an adulterer is condemned to

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