Paraphrasing Nagel Sexual Perversions Summary

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Juliana Souza Prof. Kurt Nutting Philosophy 369 1 October 2015 Paraphrasing Nagel’s “Sexual Perversions” In this essay I am going to paraphrase Nagel’s argument on why intercourse with animals, infants, and inanimate objects (Nagel, 49) are classified as sexual perversions. First I will explain the three stage system necessary for a successful sexual attraction, then I will explain why Nagel believes this system is necessary, and lastly I will conclude with an explanation on how this system and intercourse with animals, infants, and inanimate objects relate, or fail to, relate to each other. In his essay Nagel comes up with a system to describe a successful sexual attraction. He elaborates on what this system entails by giving us a fictional

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