Obsession For Revenge In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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In the Scarlet Letter, by nathaniel hawthorne, one of the most noticeable themes is the obsession for revenge which afflicts a variety of aspects in the story. the act of revenge is formidable enough to directly drive the story while also profoundly affecting each character. The sin of adultery committed by Hester and Dimmesdale causes the corruption of Chillingworth. his desire for revenge against the two is unstoppable. Chillingworth was once the "man of skill, the kind friendly physician" (Hawthorne 114) and he is a committed member of his community in Boston. He is influenced by his obsession for revenge against the man who wronged him until he is "left with no further material to support himself"(257) as he "made a very principle of his

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