Orion, The Great Hunter

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Orion, the Great Hunter, is visible from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia all through the fall and winter, when the air turns crisp and cold and the sky is clear. As a young person, looking to the sky to find solace and a sense of peace often brought my eyes to Orion. It didn't matter to me that he's so visible, so recognizable. To me, his presence was important. He showed strength and consistency. In the Greek stories, Orion did not have a very happy life. In one story, he inherits his hunting talent from a goddess mother, but it so vain and boastful about his skill that a tiny scorpion comes to kill the great hunter. In another story, Orion is in love with Merope, a king's daughter. When the king won't submit to Orion's request for Merope's hand, Orion tries to take Merope anyway, leading to his banishment and blinding. He may have fallen in love with Diana, the virgin huntress goddess, but her protective and jealous brother Apollo sent the scorpion after him. Because of his sad life, the gods and goddesses chose to put him in the sky, surrounded by his hunting dogs and the animals he most liked to hunt. The scorpion that killed him, though, is far away from him in the sky. But there is another story. At the beginning of the world, there were two hunters, Orion and Diana. Together they moved through…show more content…
Scorpion was surprised to see her, but respected her and allowed her to speak. "Scorpion," Diana asked, "I come to ask a favor of you. Orion, my former hunter-brother, has lost himself to Greed and Power. He cannot be stopped by the forces of Humans. He must be given a chance at a new life in a new place, far from here. Can you help me?" Scorpion thought carefully about Diana's request. He knew that by killing Orion he would be seen as a dangerous killer. After three days, Scorpion told Diana he had decided. He would kill Orion the next

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