Theoretical Perspectives Of Sociology And Macro Lens

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There are three main theoretical perspectives in Sociology (Henslin), and these perspectives look at society through one of two lenses the first is a micro lens and the second a macro lens. The micro lens looks at all the small things that happen in a society or community, micro focuses on the individual’s part of a whole. The macro lens looks at the “big picture” so to speak, macro looks at how society or a community functions as a whole as appose to its single parts. Both lenses are crucial to the field of sociology. The first theoretical perspective is symbolic interactionism. George H. Mead introduced this theory to American sociology in the 1920’s (Henslin). This theory is the only one that uses a micro lens to look at how society influences…show more content…
This theory states that each part of society depends on the next part of society to work so that society as a whole works. This means that it uses the macro lens. Functionalism works on social cohesion, meaning every person counts on every other person to do their part and contribute to society. Emile Durkheim suggested that there were two parts types of cohesion (Henslin). The first is mechanical cohesion this occurs when members of that particular society have the same values and do the same kind of work. A good example of a mechanical cohesion is the Amish. The second is organic cohesion, and this occurs when members of the society are interdependent with different values. This type of social cohesion can be seen in large cities or other complex societies. One of the main arguments against the theory is that it does not account for the negative things that happen in…show more content…
In western culture we know this practice as a sky burial. The practice starts by not disturbing the body for the three days. Next a high priest will prepare the body by wrapping it in cloth. From this point there are two different versions of how the rest of the ritual is carried out (Popovic). The first is the body is then brought to the top of a mountain for birds of prey or vultures to feed on, and what is left of the body is then mashed and mixed for other birds to feed on. The second is the body is dismembered and mashed in a box and this box is brought to the top of a mountain for the birds to feed on (Popovic). To understand this practice there needs to be an understanding of Buddhism and the region this practice is taking place in. One of the staple teachings of Buddhism is rebirth and when a person dies their body is an empty vessel and their spirit is moves into the afterlife. There are also four main elements in Buddhism earth, fire, water, and wind. Buddhist consider the afterlife to be a windy place so when the wind takes away some of the dust of the body it becomes symbolic of the spirit waiting in the afterlife to be reincarnated (Popovic). While the practice may seem barbaric at first it is anything but barbaric. The high priest treats the body with nothing but respect. Another factor is the region the people are living in. Trees are

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