Operation Overlord: The First D-Day Invasion

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WW2, The most epic, deadly, evil fight in history. 1944, the U.S. in the war for only 3 years, and and morals are already low. They needed a large win to tip the scales of the war. D-Day or the Normandy Beach landings began June 6, 1944. It's mission was to retake the Normandy beaches and push inland. The name was to be called "Operation Overlord" was the allies way to retake the Normandy beaches from the Nazi's. Planning began well before the actual assault. leading up to the assault many missions that were used to decept the enemy. these were known as "Operation Bodyguard". So many aspects of this operation had to go perfect for the whole assault to work. this is why it was considered such a hard operation to plan. The idea was to use all branches to aid the invasion, so instead of using just the army, navy, or marines, they used all combined. Even the Coast Guard aided in a few ways. The plan was this, Have bombers rain bombs onto the fortified beach positions, next the…show more content…
This minor segment of the massive operation included 15,000 men. Due to the low clouds, many paradrop locations were inaccurately marked on radar. A ratio of one:five paratroopers dropped into the correct place. The aircraft used to deliver the mass of men was the American built Douglas C-47, this plane could only hold up to 60 men. as a comparison, the current transport aircraft used by the military is the Douglas C-17, this plane can hold up to 188 men. The success of the rest of the operation was determined by each segment. The airborne invasion was tasked with destroying key enemy bridges and railways. This was so important because if not successful the Germans would have ways of supplying endless amounts of soldiers to push back the invasion. the destruction of these bridges delayed armour other weapons and men to get to the falling fortifications on the beach. But also other infantry units were assigned to assist the amphibious invasion at Utah

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