Book Analysis: One Hundred Years Of Solitude

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Genesis II A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across a variety of scales. They are created by repeating a process in a continuous feedback loop. The world is a fractal: when viewed as such the concept that principles that apply within Macondo, can apply to society in general is much less absurd. The novel One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez could be summarized as a detailed history of the Buendia family and the town of Macondo where they reside. The novel also details fictional accounts of events identical to their non-fictional counterparts. With the non-fictional events pertaining to Latin American politics and culture, a reader of Latin American origin might…show more content…
The grievances then culminated into the workers going on strike. The Columbian government fearing American involvement; sent a regiment to put down the strike. Armed posts were assembled surrounding the strikers in the town of Cienaga’s main square. The protesters were fired upon and mass death ensued. Jose Arcadio Segundo on the topic of the massacre commented, “There must have been three thousand of them” though he was not speaking of the massacre that occurred in Cienaga, but in Macondo. One who lacked knowledge of either Banana Massacre; that of reality and that within One Hundred Years of Solitude, would see both accounts and have immense difficulty differentiating that of reality from that in the…show more content…
To say it was only for Latin American readers, however, would be neglecting the bigger picture. The novel takes place in Macondo, but it could very well take place in a large city, or the world. The principles used in Macondo apply on a macro scale. The account of the Banana Massacre in Macondo could be a commentary on the corruption of one particular company and one particular government, or it could be a commentary on the corruption of companies that exist within the world, a message that could be universally understood. Out of the civil war came a quote from Colonel Aureliano Buendia, ““That means,” Colonel Aureliano Buendía said, smiling when the reading was over, “that all we’re fighting for is power.”” the notion that wars are fought solely for power could be taken on the micro scale in the case of Macondo, or on the macro scale of the wars of the world in general. The famed review, “One Hundred Years of Solitude is the first piece of literature since the Book of Genesis that should be required reading for the entire human race…” holds true as the morals conveyed in the novel concern Macondo, a small-scale town, can apply

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