Okonkwo Character Analysis

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In the novel Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo does not have an open mind when it comes to new traditions and a new culture. Therefore, when Mr. Brown came in and introduced Christianity, Okonkwo immediately saw him as a target. Mr. Brown and Okonkwo are almost complete opposites. Okonkwo is a self-centered person who does not respect his family. Mr. Brown, on the other hand, is very openminded and listens other’s opinions as well as his own. Okonkwo does not sympathize or empathize with anyone. His son Nwoye went joined the Christian church, and he therefore disowned him. He did not for a second stop to think about the situation Nwoye was in. Mr. Brown on the other hand, let anyone join his church, even the outcasts that nobody wanted.…show more content…
This is relevant to his campaign because he believes that a man’s rights should always come before a woman’s. His lack of respect for women derives from his selfishness. He cannot see past his own needs and does not understand how his wives can do anything without his consent. He strongly believes in gender roles and sticking to those roles. He had always struggled with his son Nwoye who was more like a woman than a man. Therefore “he (Okonkwo) was always happy when he heard him (Nwoye) grumbling about women”(Achebe 53). Okonkwo believes that men should stick to their roles as strong and powerful men. On the contrary, he believes that women should stick to being servants of a sort to the men. This is why Okonkwo was so happy when he saw Nwoye taking on a more manly role in society. This is necessary for him to include in his campaign because is shows his view on tradition and change, as well as his views on women’s rights. Mr. Brown believes in more equal rights for men and women. Although he values men over women, he still believes in basic rights like a woman’s right to practice religion. This is seen when he accepts everyone…show more content…
Brown’s campaigns is gun control. Mr. Brown and Okonkwo have similar opinions on gun control in one aspect. This aspect is that a woman’s right to carry a gun is not even in the question. This connects back to their views on women’s rights. They believe that carrying a gun is a manly and does not pertain to women. Both Okonkwo and Mr. Brown think that if anyone should have the right to bear arm, it should be a man. The differences between Okonkwo and Mr. Brown’s opinions derive from the question of the acceptance of killing at all. Okonkwo believes that it is a man’s right to bear arm because it shows his strength and power. After beating his wife for picking a few banana leaves off a tree, Okonkwo decided to go out hunting because “Although Okonkwo was a great man whose prowess was universally acknowledged. he was no hunter”(Achebe 38). Even though he was not necessarily good with a gun, Okonkwo thinks that to continue to show his manliness, using a gun is a sure way to do that. Because he believes that a man can show his manliness by force, he believes that the right to carry a gun is man’s right. He thinks that a woman should rely on their husband to protect them, so they do not need a gun. Okonkwo also believes that it is a man’s right to be able to protect himself. Mr. Brown thinks that killing of any sort is against The Bible. It is part of the ten commandments that murder is unacceptable. Because Mr. Brown is such

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