Maggie The Girl Of The Street Research Paper

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Throughout the book “Maggie the Girl of the Streets” almost all the characters have at least one thing in common, they all want their part in the American dream, Even though some want it more than others. Yet the most of the characters without realizing it blurred their vision from reality. When you read the story, “Maggie Girl of the Streets” you can tell that Maggie wants more in her life. The American dream, Maggie is chasing the American dream in a sense. In fact most of the book Maggie is trying to find where she belongs in life and fighting small physical and mental battles along the way. For example she’s constantly dodging her drunk parents from hitting her. Or she constantly thinking about her relationship with Pete and stressing over him. To be honest I don’t think Maggie really liked Pete that much I the beginning, I think she just saw that if she gets with this rich guy she might have a way out of poverty, and more life options will open up, giving her a shot at the American Dream.…show more content…
Pete Maggie’s way to the American dream, started off great and going places but slowly went downhill. Going to bars and dragging Maggie with him, Pete became a drunk with no money and no real success. Like Maggie’s parents, even though we don’t know much about Maggie’s parents we do know that they could barely hold a steady income with all the boo’s they constantly consumed and often had anger problems, all this tends to lead to poverty, money problems, and harmful decisions for your body. Which most people do not call that “living the American

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