Observation Of Miss Sierra Nesseth

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Miss Sierra Nesseth is an excellent young lady. I met her through her volunteer services in the community. At the time, she was serving children and over the next five years I was able to observe her. She showed remarkable ability to connect with both the children and the adults. Her analytical level his extraordinary in a variety of situations, such as aiding adults in service, talking children through an emotional crisis, calming babies, and working with parents with a professional demeanor regardless of the situation. She kept her word to serve every time without fail and went above by serving when others did not show up for their committed times. Also, Miss Nesseth has the ability to work well with the sick or disabled. Upon meeting her, I was astonished by her motivation, determination, and compassion when working with individuals who need extra care. Her…show more content…
In all the years I have known Miss Nesseth, she has maintained a professional working environment, which is self-motivated. As time has unfolded, Miss Nesseth learned of some physical disabilities I have. She made a determined decision to aid people who suffer with Chiari Brain Malformation awareness a personal goal. Sierra Nesseth created an amazing presentation for her health class. As always, she was humble; however, the reaction by the school was clear this project was excellent. They approached her to place the medically sound representation of Chiari Brain Malformation in the local fair. The presentation went on to be recognized further. Personally, I have had the honor of obtaining multiple degrees. However, my Bachelor of Science is in elementary education grades K-8. Sierra Nesseth was in the seventh grade when I met her. She definitely did not

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