'Nonrational Foundations Of Rationality'

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Society resides on the promise of precontractual solidarity. As rational beings we relinquish our rationality to trust each other enough to maintain a functioning society. This mutually beneficial agreement is what Collins discusses in “Nonrational Foundations of Rationality”. Collins dictates that we understand the benefits of society and thus see it rational to preserve society in order to benefit. In “Bowling Alone” Putnam explains the concept of social capital: “features of social organization such as networks, norms, and social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual benefit”. Social capital is the reason we uphold the social contract. Social capital is the result of a functioning society. Collins’ “Nonrational Foundations of Reality” presents…show more content…
Putnam’s article concerns the detrimental effects of the downfall of civic engagement while Collins simply discusses why we need social capital. In this sense Putnam provides a more in-depth exploration of how the decline of civic engagement is damaging society. Furthermore Putnam goes on to develop reasons by which civic engagement is becoming less prevalent in today’s modern society. Thus we can conclude that although Collins mentions the decrease in civic engagement he does not provide any solutions to its revival. On the other hand Putnam presents the reader with a multitude of solutions designed to increase U.S. social capital. We must research which organizations and networks pull the most people in, we must compare how Americans view the costs and benefits of civic engagement, we must examine how public policy affects the generation of social capital (Putnam). “Nonrational Foundations of Rationality” states what the problem is, “Bowling Alone” gives hope to the reader that the decline of social capital is a temporary

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