No Junk Food Challenge Research Paper

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No Junk Food Challenge One of the principles of eating a healthy diet is to eat only nutrient-dense foods and to avoid those that contain empty calories. Nutrient-dense foods are those that provide healthful nutrients in the form of compound carbohydrates, high quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. On the other hand, foods that are high in calories but contribute little or nothing to your health are considered junk food and you can simply live without them. If you want to improve your health, lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight, try the No Junk Food Challenge and see how it can bring amazing changes to your body. Part 1: What Is Considered Junk Food? Junk food refers to those foods that contain calories but contribute little to body nutrition. They…show more content…
Weight Loss If you quit eating junk food, you will significantly reduce your calorie intake, which will lead to weight loss. Just imagine all the calories from baked goods, potato chips, or fast food that you are going to skip every day for three weeks! Improved Nutrition Without the unnecessary foods from your diet, you will be eating more nutrient-dense foods, which contain more protein, vitamin, mineral, healthy fats, fiber, and energy-giving foods. These include whole grains, lean meat, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and other real, whole foods! The No Junk Food Challenge will enable you to get sufficient amounts of important nutrients to support a healthy heart, brain, muscles and bones, and digestive system. Reduced Health Risks The most important advantage of eliminating junk food from your diet is that you will be eating less saturated fat, salt, sugar, preservatives, and other harmful chemicals. That means you will be reducing your risk of developing high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Part 4: Useful Tips for No Junk Food

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