Night Flying Woman Analysis

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Passing Down Values and Traditions In the mid-nineteenth century a girl named Ni-bo-wi-se-gwe (Oona) was born in pitch darkness in the middle of the day when the sun and moon crossed paths. The book Night Flying Woman by Ignatia Broker is biography of Broker’s great-great-grandmother, Oona. It describes Oona’s life through what Broker has learned from her grandparents when they passed down the stories. In the book, one of the main themes is passing traditions on. I chose this theme because in the book, passing traditions on is major part of the characters’ culture. Passing traditions on is a practice that is important to many cultures and it effectively connects generations of people through experiences and stories. A quote from the book that demonstrates the theme, shows a character's viewpoint of passing traditions on. “‘These are the beliefs…show more content…
In my lifetime I hope to pass down many traditions that my family has. Some examples of these traditions that I want to pass on are going up to our hunting camp the weekend before the season opener, snowmobiling, and going up to my cabin in Hayward, Wisconsin. These are among the many things that my family has done for a long time and it’s important that I continue them. Along with traditions being passed down, it is important to me that our family stories get passed down. I am constantly being told stories by my parents and grandparents about their life, funny stories, and the lessons they have learned. I think it's important to listen to these stories because they are about your family and the history. This relates to you because they can add to a part of your personal identity. A large amount of the pressure to pass down these things is put on my my brother and I, along with my cousins. We make up the next generation of our family and it’s our responsibility to keep the cycle going and educate the future generations when other members of the family

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