Gender Roles In Society

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Gender roles have been present since the dawn of human civilization. Each civilized state has a certain societal, cultural, or physical niche that one certain gender will be predisposed towards. The United States is no exception. Gender roles are slow to change if at all over the course of a society’s existence. This has been the case for most of the United States’ existence, but has started to have been challenged by the females. Despite this recent push for social reform, gender roles are still reluctant to change. These steadfast gender roles are commonly seen in the workplace, but are most prevalent in the form of media known as advertisements. Analyzing these advertisements reveals that females are still relegated to their traditional…show more content…
Throughout history human civilization has regarded older people as being wiser compared to their younger counterparts. This is because the older people have experienced more than the younger people have and as such should be trusted because of this experience gleaned throughout the older persons’ life. Because the man is old, he can therefore be considered as wise. The advertisement also depicts both of the women as smiling. Smiling is a sign of contentment. Because the wise man has his mouth open, it is be reasonable to conclude that the man is speaking. Therefore with this evidence, it can be inferred that the man is speaking and because he is wise, the women are content with what the man is saying. It is because of this ethos that women are predisposed to marry older men on average. This leads to women looking to men for wisdom, a need that only men can satisfy. Because of this need that only men can satisfy, this creates a discrepancy that puts the man in a position of power compared to women, as the woman has no incentive to gain wisdom or experience when she already has a source of…show more content…
Color is a way to convey intent and language without speaking. This communication is closely mirrored by body language, and both concepts can be found in human social studies. According to a review by Andrew J. Elliot and Markus A. Maier, both of whom have studied psychology at a collegiate level, that “black and white have been examined as achromatic colors that have associations with aggression,” (Elliot, Maier, 102) with black representing aggression and white representing the lack of aggression. “The Most Interesting Man in the World” is wearing a black tuxedo with white accents. Because black is the color most worn on him, it can be concluded that black is the main color of his outfit. Because he is mostly wearing black, it can be suggested that “The Most Interesting Man in the World” is more aggressive than non-aggressive. This subtle communication wards off threats that may arise in a given situation, such as where he is talking with the two women. This aggression can also be construed as a sign of strength in human society, as society tends to value more “manly” emotions such as aggression and bravery than passiveness or fear. The aggressiveness the male displays also helps to fulfill the societal role of protection that is expected of the male. The male’s face is also not showing any emotion. This gives the male more

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