Night By Elie Wiesel Analysis

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In the memoir ‘Why I write’ in 1978, Holocaust survivor says, “The only role I sought was that of witness. I believed that having survived by chance, I was duty-bound to give meaning to my survival, to justify each moment of my life”. Wiesel believes he was destined to survive so he can share his experience and justify every part of it. In his novel Night, with his father by his side, Elie Wiesel been forced to survive the Holocaust. He’s been through up and downs through the experience with God as a Jewish man, himself, and his choices with the burden of surviving. Elie Wiesel’s novel Night deals heavily with the topic of survival. It is clear that mental strength, tremendous luck, and external motivation are what allowed him to survive this tragedy. With Elie Wiesel heavily dealing with survival, the faith of God, apart of his mental strength, has brought him through the…show more content…
Briefly, in the first chapter, Wiesel had stated “I pray to God within me for the strength to ask Him the real questions” (Wiesel 5). It is clear where Wiesel stands with God, which is looking for God’s answers to his questions of life and its purposes. Wiesel looked to God to help him figure out life when he was confused or needed him. Wiesel then opened up about God more in the fifth chapter, where he was experiencing the Holocaust in full effect. According to Jane Elizabeth in “An essay on Night”, Elie Wiesel describes eating on Yom Kippur, a traditional day of fasting and atonement of sins, as an act of defiance against a God in whose mercy he no longer believes. Yet he feels a great emptiness within him, as his identity, and thus his humanity, depended on his membership in the Jewish community, a community which is being destroyed around him. He writes of a meeting his father on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, a day when his disbelief makes him feel alone in the universe. Elizabeth covered Wiesel’s

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