Neolithic Revolution Research Paper

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The Neolithic was the first agricultural revolution in the world. This revolution took place between 10,000 and 3000 B.C.E. The end of the Stone Age, lasting 2.5 million years, was marked by this period. There is one main, really significant achievement made by people during the Neolithic time period, agriculture. It was a transition from humans being nomadic hunters and gatherers to agricultural settlements. During the Neolithic age, cultivation and animal domestication were also both brought into play. Pottery was yet another thing introduced to the world during the Neolithic era. The Neolithic Revolution happened in four different stages. The first stage was Paleolithic, the second being Epipaleolithic and the last two were Pre-Pottery…show more content…
There was not a single factor that struck the beginning of the revolution. Climate changes that happened after the ice age helped begin the process of settled agriculture. In East Asia, people felt the pressure to find homegrown solutions to obtaining natural foods. Domesticating plants was a big part of the Neolithic Revolution, too. Wheat, barley and peas can all be traced to the Near East region. The transition into domesticated plants was gradual, but necessary. Rice and millet, a fast-growing cereal plant, were found in this time period in some regions of China. In Mexico, corn or maize like plants were cultivated at least 9,000 years ago. Soon, corn was introduced to North America, as well as sunflowers. In the same time period potatoes began growing in the Andes region of South America. Where there’s domesticated plants, there’s domesticated animals! Cattle, goats, sheep and pigs were all discovered to have originated in the Fertile Crescent with all of the other agriculture resources. Goats and the other livestock helped the westward spread of agriculture into parts of the world such as Europe. Because of the westward spread, the Stone Age was revolutionized in more parts of the…show more content…
Stonehenge is an example of the cultural advances made by the people of this time. This also could signify there was a strong leader who people feared in charge of the creation on Stonehenge. Building this famous monument helped lead to our way of life how it is today. Being built around 3000 B.C.E., this was one of the most structurally advanced things to have ever been built for this time. Stonehenge is approximately 320 feet in circumference and the stones weigh as much as 50 tons. These stones were quarried and transported as far as 450 miles. This structure is truly advanced for their time and still poses as a mystery

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