Neil Armstrong Accomplishments

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Do you enjoy watching the stars and are interested in flight? Have you ever dreamed about going to the moon or another distant planet? Well one man did it, Neil Armstrong.“That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”(Kling, 78). Those were Neil Armstrong’s first words after he set foot on the moon. Armstrong was a significant and important figure in Aeronautical American history because he was a dedicated individual who worked hard, the first man on the moon, and because he impacted the aeronautical community and his fellow peers. Neil Armstrong was born on August 5th, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Neil began his interest in flight when his dad took him to the Cleveland Air Races at the age of two. Neil went on his first airplane…show more content…
But that would mean he’d have to continue his education in college, something his parents couldn’t afford. One specific scholarship that caught his attention was the navy’s Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp’s (NROTC) Holloway Plan. This scholarship would pay for all of Armstrong college expenses, including his living expenses. But if he accepted the scholarship, he’d be accepting a seven year commitment. He’d have to attend three year of college, then go to three years of active duty in war- which he could be called into at anytime- , then he’d have to return again for two years of college studies. Neil applied and was accepted; Purdue University was his college of…show more content…
he set foot on the moon, saying, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" (Notable Biographies). For quite the while Armstrong and “Buzz” collected samples and conducted experiments. On July 24th, 1969, Armstrong and his crew returned to Earth in the Pacific Ocean, west of Hawaii. Neil and his crew were picked up; and they were put into quarantine for three weeks. After the quarantine the astronauts were honored in a ticker-tape parade. “Armstrong received numerous awards for his efforts, including the Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor” (Neil Armstrong Bio). Apollo 11 was Armstrong's last mission. “In 1971 he began working at the University of Cincinnati in Ohio, where he spent seven years as a professor of aerospace engineering” (Notable Bio). On Neil’s first day on campus the place was filled with reporters and photographers. Once he got in his classroom he slammed the door shut and didn't give an interviews. He quit on New Years 1980, because him and his colleagues had some differences.But staying active in his field, Armstrong became the Chairman of Computing Technologies for Aviation, Inc., from 1982 to

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