Natural Person In Law

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Person in law is both the recognition of an entity as well as the acknowledgement of such an entity's rights and interests. Granting of ‘personhood' states then enables an entity to undertake acts and relations that are recognized in the law. In the realm of law, the term ‘person' is nothing more than an abstraction a representation through the form of an entity either real or artificial, of certain attributes. These attributes come to form what is known as personality in the law . The prime case of a person is a human being, and personality would seem to entail the possession of those characteristics belonging particularly to mankind i.e. the power of thought, speech and choice. To personify an object is to imagine it as endowed with such…show more content…
In modern days it has been used in a sense of a living person capable of having rights and duties. Now it has been used in different senses in different disciplines. In the philosophical and moral sense the term has been used to mean the rational quality of human being. In law it has a wide meaning. It means not only human beings but also associations as well. Law personifies some real thing and treats it as a legal person. A natural person is a human being whereas legal persons are artificial persons, such as a corporation, created by law and given certain legal rights and duties of a human being; a being, real or imaginary, which for the purpose of legal reasoning is treated more or less as a human being…show more content…
Legal notion of personality need not coincide with the ordinary concept on which it is based. In the law there may be men who are not persons; slaves, for example are destitute of legal personality in any system which regards them as incapable of either rights or liabilities. So in Hindu Law, idols are legal persons and this has been recognised by the Privy Council . Persons are the substances of which rights and duties are the attributes. So far, as legal theory is concerned, a person is any being whom the law regards as capable of rights and duties

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