Nadira Ansari Reflection Paper

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This paper will discuss the required class video about Nadira Ansari, a middle aged Muslim woman (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2016). Some background culture beliefs, how health and illness is perceived, the overarching issue presented in the video, and what can be done to overcome this problem. Lastly an example of a time I had to overcome a cultural barrier in my career. Muslim religious practices and beliefs vary greatly, but share a fundamental belief system. They believe in the shahada which is a belief that there is only one God and his prophet is Muhammad. The source of their faith is received from the Qur’an which is the word of God, and the Hadith which are traditions that guide them through life. They pray five times…show more content…
His blood sugar was very difficult to control, due to the amount and kind of food the family was bringing in. The nurses had talked to the patient and family about this without any results. I sat with the patient and family to discuss his blood sugar and found out it was their custom to bring food while visiting, as well as an insult to not eat it. They were upset at the hospital staff for telling them to not bring food in. I showed them his blood glucose results, then the ideal range he should be, and discussed the risk factors for such an unbalanced glucose range. I explained they can still bring food in to the patient and talked about the kind and amount to bring. They were very receptive to the education I provided. I put in a dietary consult for them to further their education. In conclusion, nurses need to be aware of the diverse cultural population we care for. Furthermore everyone follows their cultural beliefs differently, some strong and others not at all. It is important to not automatically treat people a certain way because of their nationality or culture. Approaching an individual with sensitivity and knowledge of their culture but understanding communication is the key to cultural congruent care. Get to know your patient, ask questions, and treat them with the respect everyone deserves. They will be thankful for you

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