NHS Total Quality Analysis

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Total quality is an area of clinical governance in health care science. Clinical Governance is a system that works in the NHS and is used by the NHS to continuously improve the quality of what they provide and to also maintain a high standard of care. It can be explained simply as a new initiative, to guarantee and develop clinical standards at local level throughout the NHS. It includes taking action with immediate effect to reduce the chance of any risks that may occur. Quality management is a system that can be sub divided into a number of smaller areas, taking quality control as an example as one part of the system. This is a quite complicated system and involves a number of management areas, for example reviewing externally in other words…show more content…
The objective of this total quality management in pathology laboratories is to prevent risks, errors and to reduce costs so making the whole process as efficient as possible and this is achieved through the next component and that is quality manual, this works by having an organisation within the lab including management of staff. The main role is played by the person in charge of putting the system in place therefore for this person there is a huge responsibility in assuring all requirements are met within the lab. This specific person is known as the directorate of the lab and this person will ensure that a service of the highest quality is provided within the lab. Within a lab quality assessment is also important to ensure everything is in order and accuracy and reliability are prioritised, the way in which this works is assessment of the laboratories internally and externally. Internal quality control is carried out by the lab staff themselves to ensure reliable results are being achieved within the lab day in day out. Following on from the internal assessment, an external quality assessment is carried out to see if there were any mistakes within the internal quality control. This is carried out by an independent agency and the objective is to see results of improvement and to ensure inter laboratory comparability. The way in which the internal assessment is carried out involves the monitoring of test procedures and analysing statistical data that is obtained, this eliminates systematic error within the data that has been produced making everything much more efficient. The external assessment is carried out in a number of different laboratories, and these schemes are known as National external quality assessment scheme (NEQAS) (Iyengar, JN.2009). These national standard and regulatory agencies involves

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