My Lai Massacre Research Paper

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My Lai Disaster The horrible event that took many innocent peoples lives took place on March 16 in 1968. The May Lai Massacre destroyed many peoples lives and it was all caused by people that had no morals and did not care whether someone had a family or if they were an innocent child with a great future. No, for some reason the American army did not care about any of these things at that time. This is why the My Lai Massacre is such an important topic. Firstly, it is said by the "Vietnamese that more than 500 people were killed in cold blood at the hands of US troops" (Murder in the name of War). This is the amount of victims that could have still been alive if such people as Captain Ernest Medina or Lieutenant William Calley would have not set orders to get so many people killed. A main reason why I believe the soldiers killed the villagers is because they were under the pressure of following orders. These soldiers might have felt like they had no other choice but to listen to the orders they were given, they knew that if they tried to rebel against a higher person they would either get killed or end up in…show more content…
If they really had any type of morals they would have stopped like some did. The ones that did not not stop or did not care most likely were in fear or they did not have family that they cared about or they just plain out did not care how many lives they were taking. Luckily the ones that did stop had some type of morals and probably families that they did care about and they knew that they would never want that to happen to any of them or their families. Because of this, the ones who did not continue or never did do anything might still have the horrible images of that day in the back of their mind but at least they can have a clean conscience and know they did not do something they will regret for the rest of their

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