My Fm Analysis

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A thorough analysis that a sender is known as the individuals who initiate a message is often called the communicator or source of communication to be transmitted to other entity. (Dominick, Joseph R. 2009, p.4) The sender of the message may be an anchor, broadcaster, news reader and also a radio presenter who entertain and satisfy its audiences hunger for information or both. Therefore, they are truly gifted and has an extraordinary ability to innovate such as write, speak, act or similar circumstances. My ASTRO Music (MY FM) is one of the most famous radio station in Malaysia. My Fm broadcasts various kinds of latest Chinese and Malaysian music 24 hours. The executive producer for My Fm is Brian Burton. He is the first person who…show more content…
(Refer to Appendix 1.6) It goes on air from 3 pm to 4 pm, every Monday to Friday. This program concern about topics among students. The sender of this program will be the divided into two- which is the DJ announcer and the audience who call in when the show on-air. The first sender, DJ announcer- Winson will be the person who encodes a certain message to the audience. On the other hand, the audience who calls in can be the sender as they are delivering a certain message or respond to the DJ announcer. When the audience delivers a message to the DJ announcer, the audience is considered as the sender. A two-way communication occurs in the situation shown above. Follow by the second program known as “Hao Joe Grocery”. (Refer to Appendix 1.4) It goes on air during 7 am to 9 am, every Saturday. This program mainly discusses the latest trends. The sender of this program will be the DJ announcers- Jeff and Joe. The DJ announcer will be sharing their thought on the latest trends with the…show more content…
It will go on air during 7 am, 7:30 am, 8 am, 8:30 am, 9 am, 5 pm and 6 pm, every weekday; while during the weekend it will be on air by 8 am, 9 am and 10 am. In the news (Refer to Appendix 1.2), there will be two senders. The first sender will be the reporter who collects the sports news. The second sender will be the DJ announcer who announces this news on air. The last program by MYFM is “Transport report”. (Refer to Appendix 1.1) It goes on air at an interval period daily. According to Appendix, there will be two senders. The first sender will the Waze Social GPS, Maps, and Traffic. It provides information to the radio station. The second sender will be the DJ announcer who announces. Moving into DurianFm, the first program is the “Soaring Pegasus”. It will go on air during 8 am to 10 am, every Monday to Friday. Refer to Appendix 1.0, there will be two senders. The first sender will be the author who publishes the news which is Dr.Zhuang Fa Sheng. The second sender will be the DJ announcer which is Jamal, Ya Long, and Lonny. The second program is “All about Dynasty Ming.” It will go on air during 12 pm to 12:30 pm, every Monday to Friday. The sender from this program will be the DJ announcer who on duty that day. The DJ will release the history of Dynasty Ming to the

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