Essay On Aquaponics System

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Segmentation is the first step of selecting a market; follow by targeting the market and positioning. A market can be segmented by product type, price point, demographic segment, geography segment, customer served and distribution channels (Bruce & Daune Treland, (ed.) 2010, p. 378). Aquaponics system is a product that targeting the people who hope to enjoys the organic foods by breeding themselves but gives up because of not enough place or time to do it. So, aquaponics system is created to solving the lack of place or time problem while combining the aquaculture and hydroponic into a product. It is a product with automation system that can automatically watering the plant and recycle back the extra water into the fish tank and resend the…show more content…
People who are in age between 25-40 and 60-70 have been targeted for our product. According to our research the reason we targeting the people from 25-40 years old is because nowadays, the new generation is more concentrated on their better lifestyle. Enjoying the organic foods that produce by the Aquaponics system is one of the ideal ways to increase their lifestyle. Besides, the Aquaponics system can also be a decoration for the new generation who purse for the modern furnishing to place inside their house. Moreover, we targeted the people at the age in 60-70 who are mostly retiree, is because the Aquaponics system can be a recreation for them. Although the Aquaponics system are automation, but the manpower are still need such as feeding the fish and trim up the vegetables or flowers that planting on the top of the Aquaponics system. It is regard as a good activity for the retiree to spare time. Next, we are targeted the people who are having income more than RM3,000 a month as our primary market target. It is because the Aquaponics system is luxury goods and was not necessarily for the people, although the Aquaponics prices are reasonable and less expensive compare to other luxury product

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