My Dear Nigerian Youth Analysis

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I'm sharing this because it is thought-provoking. I wish you could forward it to every youth known to you, so they can have a piece of it. And let the sleeping giants rise. "My Dear Nigerian Youths", by Prof. Isa. I am very angry and that is why I am addressing you. You are the source of my anger and I want to vent my spleen- maybe not at you directly- but at the arrogance of your ignorance. You sit in front of a computer and rant all day through social media but with every click, you make money - not for yourself - but for Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). With every megabyte of data you spend complaining and maligning, you make stupendous bucks for Etisalat, Glo and Airtel. Over the next two years, the number of Nigerian millionaires will…show more content…
It brought in Yakubu Gowon as Head of State at 32 and Olusegun Obasanjo at 29. You are in your 40s and you still sag your trousers. Of course, you know Linda Ikeji. You’ve spent hundreds of hours on her blog laughing and commenting while she smiles her way to the bank. She’s just built a house for her father in the village- just by you clicking on her gossip and sharing. Your day is not complete without a stop by at her blog. She was as broke as you are but she turned a hobby into a business. Are you that void of understanding? You think those politicians have any regard for you? That is why I referred to the arrogance of your ignorance at the beginning of this diatribe. You have a false estimation of yourself. You have an over bloated ego. You are only as good as an election ticket - pure and simple. You are only good to be used and discarded like a used ballot paper. Who keeps a used ballot paper anyway? That is why they only remember you every four years. The word CHANGE belongs to the masses not to selected few, my friend sent this to me & I couldn't resist the urge not to share

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