Igor Sikorsky Case Study

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Igor Sikorsky & the Beginnings of the Helicopter Industry Before the First World War, Sikorsky’s attention turned to making fixed wing aircrafts. The first multi-engine built by him was called the Sikorsky GRAND. After that they went on to build the ILYA MORONETS, a magnificent four-engine luxury passenger airliner. In 1929, Sikorsky entered the Sikorsky Aviation Corporation to Stratford. Although he was spending most of the time working on seaplanes, the helicopter concepts were still tinkering in his mind during his spare times. He invented a helicopter model in year 1931 and by year 1935, his son was building flying models of Skiorsky’s helicopters and he would demonstrate to the board of united aircraft or engineers which by that time had…show more content…
Helicopter manufacturers have closely matched supply with demand, particularly at the larger end of the market, even under-supplying in some cases. For smaller helicopter types, supply are stronger. 2) Liquidity-For fixed wing helicopters, a factor that drives values for a particular type is the liquidity of the asset. Helicopters benefit from their inherent flexibility to change roles as they are able to easily be reconfigured by adding or removing equipment inside or attaching additional ones to their external airframe unlike aircrafts. Most medium and heavy helicopters are usually stayed up to 15 years in their primary role. Smaller and lighter type helicopters are usually more flexible and reconfiguration to other roles are relatively easy and cheaper to do so. The smaller sizes helicopters are able to perform in more roles. Helicopters have typically smaller fleets with niche roles, particularly at the larger end of the market. However, we would still expect more than 100 deliveries for a heavy type and 200+ for medium types to merit a typical value…show more content…
This moves the rotor shaft causing the rotor to spin. The helicopter’s rotor achieves lift by pushing the air beneath it downward as it spins. Since lift is proportional to the change in air’s momentum, the more momentum the higher the lift. A helicopter rotor systems are usually made of 2 to 6 blades and are attached to the central hub. The blades are usually long and narrow turn at a slow speed because it minimizes the amount of power necessary to achieve and maintain the lift. This will also makes the vehicle control easier. Light weighted helicopters are usually 2 bladed main rotors while heavier aircrafts could use four blade design or 2 separate main rotors to carry heavy

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