Mussolini Rise To Power In Italy Case Study

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15. The circumstances under which Mussolini rose to power in Italy was that because of already unstable political conditions in Italy and the outbreak of World War I making it worse in which many people disliked the liberal institutions, the government promised to expand but could not follow through on the promise. This allowed the Italian Socialist Party to rise and radical workers and peasant occupied factories and took lands, and a Catholic party also emerged. Mussolini began by being in the Socialist Party and pushed to join the Allies, which made the party kick him out. From this, he organized a group of fascists and began violent verbal assaults on the Socialists which got him support from conservatives and the middle class. From then,…show more content…
In 1922, he came an advocate for saving order and property by taking a conservative and anticommunist tone in his speeches which helped him gain the support of the army leaders. In October of 1922, a group of Fascists marched on Rome and threatened the king to make Mussolini prime minister, which he did. Mussolini took over the government and formed a new cabinet, gaining power legally through the constitution. His goals and tactics were to gain the support of as many important groups as possible to diminish the power of the socialists. After the kicked him out of the party, he saw the opportunity to make an enemy of them and use their enemies to his benefit. By gaining the support of the conservatives, middle class, and eventually military leaders, he was able to reach his goal of taking over the government and initiating a one party policy with him as the head of that party. He was will to sound more conservative and anticommunist to appeal to the military. His main tactic was to gain the support of the majority of the popular and to legally obtain power to ensure he could keep…show more content…
Hitler’s rise to power began with using extreme nationalism gain the support of the already disillusioned German people with the government because of the Treaty of Versailles and the economic hardship they were going through. He convinced people that the Weimar Republic’s signing of the treaty was a “stab in the back”. He joined a small group of extremists in Munich and eventually named this growing party the National Socialist German Workers’ Party to create a community of people that were fed up with the republic. He attempted to organize an uprising against the government since it was already on the brink of collapse, but the Beer Hall Putsch failed and Hitler was arrested. After he became very popular because of his trial, he published Mein Kampf which included his positon on Aryan superior and the inferiority of the Jews and Slavs. He also proclaimed his Lebensraum idea that Germany need to expand to the east. His party had begun to grow and to appeal to the middle class, he de-emphasized the anticapitalistic sentiments he originally held. The role the Great Depression played was that it brought more power to the Nazi party. Hitler began to claim that not only could he fix the political issues of Germany, but the economic ones as well. His concept of “national rebirth” appealed to the small business owners, office workers, artisans, skilled workers, and peasants. Due to the bankruptcy, unemployment, and Communist election gains, people stopped supporting

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