Museum Paper Assignment

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Museum Paper Assignment I have paid a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts and found two interesting paintings and a historical photograph. All three items had their own different meanings, were all created by different artist, and were created at a different time period. Each one of them hold a special meaning in which help our everyday life. The first artist is Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael, he created a painting called “Woman Selling Vegetables”. This artwork was made in 1618 this painting is about 397 years old. To create this painting Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael used the traditional oil painting technique in which charcoal or thinned paint is being mixed with linseed oil which makes the paint thinner. This painting is a representational because…show more content…
This painting was made in 1715, this artwork is 300 years old. To create this painting Jan van Huysum used oil on panel made of wood. “Still Life with Flowers and Fruit” is a representational artwork because it reveals something that is easily identified by any person around the world. The subject matter of this artwork are the flowers that are on the center of the panel. On this painting, Jan van Huysum uses light shades of pink, green, yellow, and red to highlight the roses, sunflowers, leaves, and grapes. He also uses dark colors on the painting but only places them on the flower near the top of the panel to create an illusion of a shadow. He, Huysum, uses bright colors to create an illusion that they are closer to any viewer while the dark colors makes the flowers look farther away from the viewer. Huysum uses lines in which are light and thin and expressive all in which created the delicate leaves, fruits, and flowers. Since Jan van Huysum painted on the wooden panel with a thin oil paint, he was able to make the artwork’s texture look smooth. I think the artist made this artwork to show how we should focus on every single detail in life. I think what he was trying to communicate was that everything thing in life is temporary so we should look around and value everything we see around us. I believe this because the artwork portraits flowers, all flowers…show more content…
I don’t think that the artist was successful in what he was trying to communicate because I was thinking the painting was more of a life lesson instead of an experience. If I had ever had the opportunity of changing the artwork I would have probably added another lion to represent how you can’t do everything alone in life, that sometimes you need help. I chose this artwork to talk about because it reminded me of this quote by Charles Darwin ,” In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their
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