Muir And Wordsworth Analysis

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French artist Henri Matisse once said,“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” Muir and Wordsworth, two authors, wrote in different styles with different tones, and even the difference of Naturalism and Romanticism. But both authors had one thing in common, which is the idea that nature can create a powerful bond with humans. As stated, the two authors, both talked highly of nature in their works, and though they both talk greatly, they say it in different ways, but they both speak about the hope nature gives and how much power it holds. Muir’s shows in his essay his great knowledge and appreciation for nature. In one part he talks about how he enjoyed the company of nature, saying that he was "... rejoicing in their bound wealth and strength and beauty". Though hard to understand from this one quote, it is saying that Muir is thrilled to be in nature and observe its beauty, hence the use of rejoicing, wealth, and strength. Another way Muir’s love for nature is obvious in the way he talks about nature, describing with strong verbs and adjectives the power of it: “ It seems wonderful that so frail…show more content…
In the words of Wordsworth, “When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.” He took the time to observe the flowers and what they’re doing, and how they move. Not seen in the quote was Wordsworth talking about how sad and lonely was, and thus the daffodils made him happy. He is showing that the daffodils a a permanent memory that will always be with him. When thinking about the daffodils Wordsworth talked about how the memory makes his heart fill with pleasure and dance with daffodils, and that is how he ends the poem. By writing this, he is saying that he has a forever coming joy that is because of this memory, and that sends a big

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