Most Dangerous Game

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Hundreds of people are stuck in life threatening situations every day. The people who live through these situations always have something to keep them going. It could be family, friends, or even pets. But some people don’t have things to fight for, so those people rely on one thing. To be a survivor in a life threatening situation, a person must have a strong will to survive. In “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford needed to have a strong will to survive the life threatening game against General Zaroff. Sanger Rainsford fell off of his boat and was thrown into the harsh waters of the ocean. Rainsford than swam to land and met General Zaroff, who then demanded that Rainsford play a game of hunting each other to the death. Rainsford ran crashing…show more content…
David Koch had been aboard the United Flight 232 when the hydraulics failed and the plane plummeted to the ground. The plane hit the ground in a ball of fire it then split into pieces. Koch had made it to the front of the plane where he was met with a horrifying mob. Koch turned around and stumbled through the dark of the plane. Koch had made it to the front of the plane when he looked down and was met with a drop and fire. He then described how he felt when he said, “I was not panicked nor was I terrified”. Koch means by this that he was scared but he was not thinking about it. As he got ready to die all of a sudden “A tremendous sense of strength came over me”. Koch means by this that he was almost ready to give up, but because of his strong will he jumped out of the plane. Koch landed safely away from the fire and walked into the fields where the ambulances where positioned. Most people panic when they are put in deadly situations, but when people have a strong will to survive being strong and thinking calmly is the…show more content…
A team of rugby players and there families where crossing the Andes Mountains to get to the championships. The plane crashed in the Andes and many of the passengers died. The survivors where stuck in a climate they had never known, they had no way of communication, and they where running out of food. Eventually the survivors ran out of food so they had to start eating the bodies of their dead friends and families. Many more died just from the guilt of surviving, the rest of the survivors all had to deal with the circumstances though. Many months later the survivors where running out of food. “The feeling of fear- and fear transferred into panic,” said Nando Parrado. Nando meant all the survivors where scared to find out what was going to happen when the food was gone later on. Nando and his friend Robert set out to find their way out of the Andes, so they could save the rest of their friends. Nando and Robert climbed to the highest point they could see, only to find that there was nothing but mountains. But Nando and Robert kept going in hope of saving their friends. One day Nando and Robert reached a river and they saw a man. There was a man across the river, Nando eventually found a way to communicate with the man over the river. Both Nando and Robert where rescued, and Nando told them where the rest of the survivors where. As Nando greeted the rest of the
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