Somatic Rights In Octavia Butler's Dawn

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Without our ability to think for ourselves, we think in the minds of the survival state. Where in desperation, we perform acts of impulsive decision making and create misfortune. What’s best in sake of the greater good doesn’t necessarily single out what’s better for the individual. With having the world come to an end, Dawn illustrates a debacle of two sides, both, not having an indefinite right view. Circumstances when ones somatic rights are stripped isn’t acceptable without ones consent, yet in times of desperation, we got to do what’s best for the greater good. Somatic rights is the meaning behind the individuals right to their own body and choice. In the hierarchy society from the novel Dawn by Octavia Butler, abuse and disrespect for Liliths wellbeing affects those very same somatic rights. Despite the positive intentions her captures, the Oankali, have with trying to preserve the human population, tampering with someone else’s body without their consent leaves an uncomfortable feeling and frustration. When Lilith awakenings only to find a scar on her body, she…show more content…
Moral ambiguity, also known as an “ethical dilemma”, is an example of taking two sides which neither can be classified under what is right and what is wrong. In using Lilith as a test rat basically, her feelings of discomfort rise. “She did not own herself any longer. Even her flesh could be cut and stitched without her consent or knowledge.” (Paragraph 14). However, in order to save the human population, the Oankali’s “[t]ime and efforts have been [on] restoring it." The moral ambiguity in the stories different views eludes to a social stand-off between right and wrong. Yes, it is wrong to have Lilith “confined [in such a] way [that] kept [her] helpless, alone, and ignorant”. But at the same time these “mutilators” only are looking out for what’s best for the greater

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