Morality In The United States

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“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the bible.” These words spoken by President George Washington remain accurate in the world today. Morality is an essential quality that a country requires to function properly and we have lost it along the way of development. Picture our country with more morality and think of the problems that could disappear. First, there are multiple governmental issues such as our skyrocketing debt and welfare. Our debt comes from numerous sources but welfare is the main source increasing it. Welfare is a program that provides assistance to needy individuals and families,…show more content…
The second amendment states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” A well-regulated militia is referred to as our national guard, our military. Being necessary to the security of a free state, our national guard was made to be able to defend us in a crisis. We were once a “free state” not a police state. The right of the people to keep and bear arms, simple, we the people has the right to carry and use a weapon if needed. Shall not be infringed, it is unattainable to take away our second amendment right. Gun control is immorality and a violation of the constitution. Taking away our second amendment right is immoral. It would be related to sending a soldier in battle without a weapon, his or her protection. Gun control will not punishing people committing the crime, in reality, it is punishing the law abiding citizen. The supporters of gun control believe it is the guns fault, but they do not see the person behind the weapon. Without the person behind the gun, the trigger isn’t being…show more content…
Over one point two million students drop out of high school every year. That is one student every twenty-six seconds. If students were taught about the consequences of dropping out, that will increase their responsibility and morality to stay in school. Teen pregnancy can be a factor for drop out rates. Some young ladies might make the mistake of becoming pregnant during high school. Then, some will drop out due to having to provide for a family. To decrease the amount of teen mothers, an abstinence program should be provided at all schools. Abstinence is the number one defense in STDs. Abstinence teaches
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