Montresor Symbolism

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The Deadly Mission In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story, The Cask of Amontillado, the reader is left to ponder about the exact nature of the “insult” (14) Fortunato, the protagonist’s, long-time friend, spoke that was deserving of his untimely death. Poe’s use of the main character, Montresor, as a first person narrator, draws the reader in as a sort of confidant that with whom he will eventually share a very evil plot. Early in the story, Montresor says “You, who so well know the nature of my soul” (14) as if he is speaking to a close friend. The reader gains valuable insight into Montresor’s emotions and plans, which characterize him as a villain; his vengeful nature, cunning, and sarcasm, are consistently displayed at various times throughout the story. The setting is early evening during the carnival season somewhere in Italy in 1846. From the onset, Poe sets the stage of this suspense drama with Montresor’s clear statement that his motivation is revenge: “At length, I would be avenged” (14). He further states, “I must…show more content…
After a gloomy start to the story, the reader has an opportunity to laugh as Montresor describes Fortunato’s carnival costume as a “tight-fitting parti-striped dress” (14) with bells dangling from a cap on his head. However, it is not until after the reader is aware of Fortunato’s unfortunate ending, that Montresor’s sarcasm can really be recognized. As they journey down through the vaults, among the piles of Montresor family bones, Fortunato’s cough becomes more severe. Montresor tells him they should go back because he does not want to be responsible for his illness. When Fortunato replies that a cough will not kill him, Montresor agrees and responds, “True – true” (16). Montresor then offers Fortunato some wine to soothe his cough and toasts to his long life. As the reader soon realizes, Fortunato’s life will not be
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