Model Myth Minority Analysis

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The next topic discussed was the Model Myth Minority. From this conversation it allowed our conversation to venture into discussing agency vs structure as well as the labor market. “The Model Myth Minority holds that Asian Americans have been more successful in the United States than native ethnic groups and that they have been more successful because of their cultural heritage, not the material resources they brought with them,” (Gerber and Kraut). Although Miguel’s family did come to American is material resources their heritage also shaped their successes. In our first class we touched on both the idea of agency and structure. When asking Miguel which side he fell on he said that he fell on the “Agency side, both of his grandparents came…show more content…
Even though he fits this theory he did feel that this can be a negative as “Setting higher expectations for a broader race that does not apply to everyone – added pressure on individuals who may not fit that stereotype perfectly, and/or may not receive the same support that they may need.” These beliefs correlate with the video watched in class called Myth Busting Model Minority Asian American Stereotypes which took an idea deconstructed the idea that Asians are the model minority and why this is not always necessarily a good thing. In this video Kyung Yoon says that “1) It’s a stereotype they do not reflect the full picture or even the majority, 2) Becomes tragic that because of these myths resources do not get into the community and 3) Toxic qualities divisive in the sense of policy makers,” (Yoon). It is evident from both of these quotes that this overall hurts Asian Americans as you never see programs to try to get Asian Americans into certain schools, or certain job fields as the precedent already is that they are all successful. It not only sets them back but it “The myth of the “model minority” is key to providing the rationale for racial and class divisions—and for their manipulation—between South Asian and other communities,” (Gerber and…show more content…
This is something that seems to be typical of a 1.5/2nd generation Immigrant as they must conform to American ideals in order to find the most success in most cases. Rather, just as the reading states it will most likely be “Members of the third generation of every group arriving in the United States must reconcile whatever material comfort and cultural acceptance they may feel with the stories of struggle told by the generations that preceded them. They must honor the memory of earlier generations’ experiences, even as they live their lives as full members of American society, who are separated from migration by several generations” (Gerber and Kraut). When reading that quote to Miguel he said “I hope that is the case and that my families’ heritage does live on for generations past my own, even if it is not a focal point of my life, I am still proud of where my family came

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