Women In Advertising

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Nowadays, everyone usually watches TV or at least sees a few advertisements a day, in which people can observe women’s sexy body being used to sell products through promotion. Are women really being sexually objectified in advertisements? The answer is Yes. All should agree on this some advertisers and companies accept this and say that a woman’s body is used as products in order to sell. Even tough women are being objectified in adverts, people need to realize that women are humans just like men that have rights, feeling and aren’t products. That is why this research paper is going to show how the sexually portrayal of women in advertisements has drastically changed how they are perceived in the society. First this research will prove that…show more content…
Zimmerman and Dahlberg (2008), asserted that females are treated as products in commercials and media most of the time, this showed them that they are dependent on men. According to Kilbourne (as cited in Stankiewicz & Rosselli, 2008), women were once exploited only in pornography, but now that extended to other fields such as movies, TV shows and especially in advertisements. As evidence adverts present women in a very passive position, whereas men are portrayed as the dominant sex. The research of APA’s (2007b) (as cited in Szymanski Moffitt and Carr, 2011) evaluation of pictures of women on all sources of media, concluded that men are less pictured as sexual or physical objects then women, where also women are depicted in media for the aim of men’s sexual reaction. More often with the exploitation of women and lower ranked then men, where it resulted in an inequality between the two genders. These were examples that proved the existence of sexism and the emergence of it from this objectification of women from adverts. According to Szymanski, Moffitt and Carr (2011), sexual objectification may cause women to use substances as a result of the exploitation, where a women’s sexiness and apparel is combined with the product itself. The authors proved their statement by providing a Bulgarian beer example, in which a woman with big breasts showing of her body with very little clothing on her in a bar, where she took the beer and opened it by her huge breasts while the men were amazed by her she pulled a necklace with a bottle opener. They eventually concluded that most of the alcohol adverts use the women body as sexual objectification in order to sell their product. This is how its effecting the perception of people in society, where females are becoming the victims of ads like this by trying to mimic that image to their own self because of this existence of sexism. The continuous
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