Ming Dynasty Research Paper

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Section 1, Topic A Throughout history there have been numerous examples of empires/dynasties rising to their peeks of greatness and then falling to rock bottom. There are many distinctive factors that contribute to the rise and fall of great empire or dynasty. Four important factors caught my eye in changing the course of great powers. Profound leadership and strong armies were factors of a rising power. Incidentally, constant attacks and internal affairs were factors of a falling power. Supremacies such as the Byzantium Empire, Ottoman Empire, Ming dynasty, and Qing dynasty had the cycle of rising and falling. The factors stated had great influence on changing the course of these supremacies and determined if they will survive or crumble for another to take command.…show more content…
The dynasty had exquisite manufactures, vast population of Ming cities, and has been commercially pulsating (Bullliet 456). The Ming dynasty was very cultural based, with appreciation of literature, music and art. Even though they had many achievements, the dynasty had many conflicts. The Ming dynasty fell due to certain factors that influenced an entire dynasty to fall. They experienced a drastic climate issue and had many problems with internal affairs. The Little Ice Age caused agricultural strains and famine, which led to a good amount of uprisings. With the economy, because of great production and a significant amount of money flow (silver), inflation occurred. Eventually, corruption occurred and disorder was spreading. All of this led to the fall of a great dynasty. Along with all these factors that caused the fall of the Ming, another factor was constant attacks on their borders. The Mongol armies and Japanese pirates crowded its borders and caused much distress and strain on the dynasty (Bulliet 457). Unfortunately, after seeking help from Manchu, the Manchu took over and established the Qing

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