Michael Faraday: The Great Importance On All People And Scientists

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Based on Cambridge dictionary reputation is "the opinion that people in general have about someone or something, or admiration someone or something receives based on past behavior or character". However, one of the best scientist that known very will for his good reputation is Michael Faraday. He has a good reputation among all people and scientists. Faraday did many important discoveries that contributed his fame such as electromagnetic. Faraday's important discoveries brought him considerable fame. He made important experimental discoveries in chemistry, electricity and magnetism. Faraday delivered many lectures in the royal institution and he succeeded in establishing it and attracting his audience and the prince Albret by presenting scientific knowledge. He was a self-made man.The purity of his life, which was free from any ambition for public acknowledgement or wealth. His lectures and books were translated to many languages. Another points which helped in Faraday fame, that he was famous to other scientist, his election to scientific societies all over the world. His being given medals by scientific societies all…show more content…
Actually this separation was mostly one way. He rarely entered into religious discussions with his fellow scientists, but, to judge by his voluminous correspondence, he did enter into lively scientific discussions with his Sandemanian friends. Moreover, despite his scrupulous focus on natural phenomena in his scientific profession, there is ample evidence that Faraday's faith had a strong influence on his own practice of science. We shall see two ways in which this influence is manifest. First, in the philosophical framework which was the context in which he approached the study of nature, and second in the social and ethical principles which he believed should underlie the pursuit of the scientific

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