Meaning Of Man In Macbeth

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The word “man” can be interpreted to be many things. What could possibly be revealed by a character's use of the word “man” in the play Macbeth. This essay analyzes the implications of the changes and continuities in the use of the word man as used by many characters including Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, Macduff and the Second Apparition in the play Macbeth, which takes place in Scotland presumably during the mid-11th century. The playwright William Shakespeare wrote this play in order to entertain the population during the Elizabethan era. In this play the main character Macbeth illegitimately improves his social standing in life from a lord to a king by assassinating the king, but he eventually goes insane and tyrannically murders the innocent…show more content…
This quote shows that in the beginning of the play Macbeth is a patriotic and courageous lord that fights valiantly for Scotland has control over his senses and believes in a realistic definition of a man, however by the end of the play his outlook on life and his self confidence in his manliness will change. By the end of the play Macbeth has a very delusional view on manhood perpetrated on him by his wife, Lady Macbeth and by the second apparition which results in him exhibiting hubris which is basically excessive pride. For example, in act 5 scene 7 when battling Young Siward Macbeth states, “Thou wast born of woman/ But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, / Brandish'd by man that's of a woman born” (5.7.2446-2448). In this quote Macbeth states that since Young Siward was born of a woman he is unable to harm Macbeth. This shows that Macbeth's view on manhood has changed from one where men must be brave, but also sensible to one where a man should achieve power by any means necessary which was pushed upon him by Lady Macbeth and the three witches. Macbeth's delusional state of mind continues until his fight with Macduff even during his last fight Macbeth believes in the equivocations told to him by the witches and falls prey to the pressure placed upon him by his wife this can be…show more content…
Ross states that, “... He only lived but till he was a man; / The which no sooner had his prowess confirm'd / In the unshrinking station where he fought, / But like a man he died” (5.8.2521-2526). This quotation shows that the protagonists believed that a “man” was courageous and stood for his values and not just to gain power. In their eyes Young Siward was a true “man” even if he was very young due to his relentless commitment to his country which is evident by his courage in battling Macbeth. Macduff and Ross both believe that true men should be courageous while remaining aware of the possible consequences of their actions and keeping control over their

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