Matilda Character Relationship

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My novel title is Matilda, and this novel is written about Matilda. Matilda could use a supernatural power until end of the story, and she was a genius. Matilda has a family which is not good. Her father was selling second hand cars. Actually, he was swindler. Matilda started to go to school. Her teacher was Miss Honey who is a super nice and everybody loves her. Matilda had a special power that she could move anything with her eyes. Miss Honey really surprised about that. Miss Honey was interested in Matilda. Then, Matilda began to go to Miss Honey’s house everyday. She knew that Miss Honey had a hard life which is she lost her parents when she was a little age, so her aunt took care of her. Miss Honey told Matilda that her aunt was Trunchbull.…show more content…
They arrived Miss Honey’s house, Matilda entered her house, and eat some snacks. From this sentences, we can know that Miss Honey accepts Matilda to enter her house. I thought that they have a great relationship between Matilda and Miss Honey. I Impressed about the relationship between teacher and student. The good thing of this novel was written about relationship between Miss Honey and Matilda which is teacher and student. They trusted each other, and they talked their life. Recently, there are many problems between teachers and students, but this book had good relationship. Matilda consulted about her family, and Miss Honey revealed that she had a hard life until she became an adult. I have never talked with teacher about my troubles and problems, and teachers never told me their life secretly. Therefore, I impressed that they had a great relationship between teacher and the student. I found some interesting things of this novel. One of them is that Trunchbull picked students up and waved them around. I’ve never seen this situation, and I can’t imagine it. If teacher wave students around, they will lose consciousness. Therefore, I thought it was

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