Mary Lee Wheat Gray: Underrepresented Feminist

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When it comes to mathematics, it seems that people usually don’t think of women. Mary Lee Wheat Gray is one of the underrepresented women mathematicians. She has a lot of achievements in mathematics and she has done a lot to support the role of women mathematicians. Mary Lee Wheat Gray was born on 4 April in Hastings, Nebraska, USA. Mary Gray’s mother was Lillie Alves who was a school teacher. Her father, Neil Claude Wheat, did a lot of different jobs in his life. They varied from policeman to truck driver, mechanic, and manager of a trucking company. Mary Gray was encouraged to learn by her parents when she was about five years old. Her father taught her mental arithmetic, while her mother taught her history. Mary Gray started to show interest in mathematics and history. She went to high school in Hastings, Nebraska. She found that she was most interested in the following three subjects: history, mathematics, and physics. During her last year in high school, her father died due to a serious heart attack. After the loss of her…show more content…
She continued her enthusiasm in mathematics and physics. During her sophomore year, Mary Gray’s mathematics teacher Jim Standley encouraged her to try postgraduate work. Even though Mary Gray had never thought of postgraduate work at the time, she found Standley’s advice very attractive. In 1959, Mary Gray graduated from Hastings College. Thanks to her excellent academic performance, she was granted a Fulbright fellowship, which offered her an opportunity to study in Germany. She spent one year studying at the J W Goethe Institute in Frankfurt. In 1960, Mary Gray returned to the United States and started her graduate studies at the University of Kansas, where she completed her Master’s degree in 1962. Mary Gray continued her studies for the doctorate degree. In 1964, she finished her thesis Radical Subcategories, and she was awarded her

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