How Did Vincent Van Gogh Influence Art

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Vincent Van Gogh (1853-90) the Post-Impressionist artist, is one of the most famous of all modern Dutch Painters but his emotional and disturbed characteristics sometimes overshadows his work. To fully comprehend the remarkable impact of Vincent Van Gogh has had on art history and our cultural, it is important first to examine the artistic and cultural environment in which Van Gogh was acquainted. Van Gogh’s religion was central in shaping both the images he painted and the artistic techniques he used. This paper will examine the influences of his philosophy of faith and how it progressed in his work by subject matter and style. Whether it was his paintings of humble peasant in in Nuenen, Netherlands to dramatically contrasting subject matter and style depicting bohemian night life in Paris, France.…show more content…
Van Gogh was heavily influenced by his father, a Protestant pastor, which led Van Gogh to leave the firm to pursue studies in theology and missionary work in a Belgian coal-mining area. Here in Holland he found his personal calling by beginning his religious and moral preoccupation with peasants. He wanted to abide by his Jesus like philosophy among the downtrodden miners and their families. Van Gogh was known to give away his clothing and money to help the poor living in self-made shacks. He refused lodgings and even the luxury of soap. His contemporaries recalled a shirtless, soot-faced, emaciated Van Gogh tending his flock with an intense ardor. Van Gogh was popular with the miners but could not connect to his deep religious state of mind, his sermons seemed to lack eloquence and too extreme. This lead the ecumenical Protestant organization to dismiss him from

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