How Did Hitler Claim The Ghent Altarpiece

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Bobby Ghent Altarpiece In 1939, Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party invaded Poland, creating a spiral of thoughts for those who loved art. The stolen piece of art came from Belgium and was known as the Ghent Altarpiece or sometimes called the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb which was completed by Jan Van Eyck. Most may ponder if there was any special significance for the Hitler to steal the Ghent Altarpiece in general. But to be honest before Hitler ever got to the Ghent altarpiece, according to Noah Charney, on his post The Ghent Altarpiece: the truth about the most stolen artwork of all time, “The altarpiece was almost been destroyed in a fire, was nearly burned by rioting Calvinists, it's been forged, pillaged, dismembered, censored, stolen by Napoleon, hunted in the first world…show more content…
On Noah Charney’s post Hitler’s Hunt For the Holy Grail and Ghent Altarpiece he states that, “Hitler so craved the Ghent Altarpiece because it was made by a Germanic artist, in the realistic, Northern Renaissance style that Hitler preferred. Northern Renaissance style was a growing art during the times but before the 1500’s it was depicted as an early Netherlandish style of painting. By connecting the dots we can agree that this is correct because the one who completed the artwork “the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb” was none other than Jan Van Eyck himself. According to Wikipedia’s source about Jan Van Eyck , it states that “Jan van Eyck was an Early Netherlandish painter active in Bruges and one of the most significant Northern Renaissance artists of the 15th century. But even though the Ghent Altarpiece had many

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