Lebanese Cuisine In The Philippines

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Lebanese Republic is a tiny rustic in the west of Asia which is nestled by Syria and Israel from three directions. It is one of the countries that belong to the Mediterranean region and has a very small population. The country is influenced majorly by the Muslim and the Christian communities. Though the country is home to a very less number of people, the food eaten here is eminently known as the Lebanese Cuisine and is famous universally today. The Ottoman Turks, basically the rulers from Turkey who made Lebanon (Lebanon was christened Lebanese Republic after its independence), its province, were responsible for the introduction of the cuisine to the local people which got popularized gradually. The French took over the country after the First…show more content…
They ruled over this small province for a little less than 5 centuries. During this time, a lot of new food ingredients and dishes paved its way in to the Lebanese culture. As the country was under the dominance of the Turks for a long period, the food in this country makes use of a wide use of variety of spices and herbs. Further, a lot of natural flavors goes into making a Lebanese dish. Spices and herbs like cumin, saffron, coriander, mint, rose petals, garlic and cinnamon are widely used in Lebanese cuisine. In addition to that, other ingredients used to prepare a Lebanese meal include meat, poultry, vegetables, grains, fruits, dry-fruits and milk products like cheese and yogurt (Dawn, Elaine & A. Selwa, 2005). The concept of certain food dishes in Japan have been borrowed from a few countries while the rest food varieties belong to the country itself. The Japanese food majorly uses rice, fish stock and soya bean paste. The base of the Japanese cuisine mainly consists of rice, tofu, wasabi, noodles and many more such ingredients. (Ashkenzai .M & Jacob. J, 2003) While the Lebanese cuisine makes use of equipments like Mincer, Mortar and Pestle, Rakweh, Sorj and Zucchini Scoop, Japanese mainly use wooden pots, wooden spoon-shaped scoop, chop sticks, bamboo and towels to cook and serve the meal. Chopsticks are usually made from wood but these days, plastic chopsticks are also available. One of the most traditional

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