Manduca Caterpillar

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Manduca Caterpillar By: Shwetha S. The purpose of this experiment was to find which temperatures are best fit for manducas to live in. If manducas are tested in temperatures 20°C and 30°C then manducas in 30°C are to survive longer than the ones in 20°C because butterflies stay in North America during summer then migrate to south to warmer temperatures during winter. As the graph shows the colder climates manduca had survived longer than the 30°C. The length and mass of the latter had increased much quicker than the other. It had increased very quickly, by approximately 0.5 in length and by 1 in mass. The data was also very erratic. For example, the mass of 30°C on days 13-16 was very varied. First it gained 2.936 then, gained 0.431 grams then lost 2.005 grams. Even with the erratic data, it was clear to see that all manducas lost a birth of weight and height before they had died. The data did not support the hypothesis. The data had shown that the one in colder temperatures had lived 15 days longer. The warmer temperature manduca had grown large very fast, in just 15 days it was 8 cm and 9 grams. Whereas the colder one took…show more content…
For example, after 16 days the manduca #2 had just disappeared. The website did specify whether it had died or metamorphosed. That would have significant change in our conclusion. If it had metamorphosed then 30°C would have been a better climate setting for manducas. Another error is the website doesn't specify what had killed the manduca. It could have been the caretaker. Also many days the websites has no data like for example day 4 in 20° length. Again, it doesn’t specify what had happened. Also, the website doesn’t clarify if all the variables were remained the same for all the manducas. Because of all these unknowns, there were many human errors in this

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