Essay On The Affective Domain

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Affective domain is the part that deals with how a person acts and feels about something. Emotions, feelings, and different behaviors such as a person’s individual attitude are characteristics of this type of domain. In other words, it can be described as the domain which refers to emotions and feelings as well as someone’s visible appearance expression. The affective domain is also focused on emotional learning and change in characteristics. We have the ability to learn new feelings and emotions with time of life, as well as develop the control to achieve how these feelings or emotions are stated. According to Sarah (2011), ‘’as with the concept of emotion, descriptions of the affective domain are rather unclear, lacking universal, operationalized…show more content…
This domain can be also be classified into its levels of understanding e.g. acceptance, reacting, appreciating, organization and characterization. It also helps to develop professional judgment and the skills which often make up the person’s awareness of the quality of care received. According to Frapwell (2014) believes that the affective domain encompasses the feelings, attitudes, and dispositions that students have toward something. For physical educators that “something” involves participating in physical education demonstrating responsible personal and social behavior, and understanding that physical activity can also provide opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and social interaction. When assessing the affective domain, you need to define behavior and identify the actions that are acceptable indicators of students meeting your expectations for the trait/behavior being assessed. Then you will be able to direct your students towards becoming more responsible young adults therefore improving the emotional climate of your

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