Travel Agency Case Study

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Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Our Chief Executive Officer(CEO) as Liew Xiang Ni, she represent the company in public meeting with board of directors by stockholder supervise general operation of an organization, include Human Resource department, finance department, sales and others ensure financial health support by strong management team, recruitment, hiring and mentoring staff is important. She has a degree or master in Business Administration and master in Business admin. Being a Chief Executive must has an experience several year of prior management. She has 20 year experience and strong in leadership skills and communication skills. She has a motivation and drive for success. Highly problem-solving skills with the ability work under pressure and strong in management and leadership skill are been obtained by her. General Manager (GM) Jessica Chua Xue Yi as a general manager be able to oversee all aspects of Property Management in accordance with Company mission statement, including maximization of financial performance, guest satisfaction and staff development within established quality standards. Her authority sometimes exceed by CEO. She is the one who do the plan, organize, lead and control the daily operations of a…show more content…
All of us really learn a lot and get an experience on how to start a travel agency company. Which are the places that suitable to start a travel agency company. We have learn about the department in the travel agency which are Human Resources Department, Ticketing Department, Sales and Marketing Department, Finance and Accounting Department, and Tour Department. Each department have their own job description and qualification to achieve to became and get into the department. Like how to becoming a manager of that department, who is need to be having experiences about the jobs , related qualification in that department and have a desirable attitude to guide the line of the
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