Madden NFL

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My favorite video game that I have ever played is Madden NFL. Madden is an enjoyable game to play and it progressively gets better and more fun throughout the years. In nineteen ninety four John Madden Football was released out to the public. It was the first generation of this video game and it sure wasn’t the only. As of two thousand thirteen Electronic Arts has sold over thirty million copies of Madden NFL. Five million of those copies were sold just in the year two thousand thirteen, and each year the game gets progressively better in graphics. The original game John Madden Football has been changed to Madden NFL since it wasn’t made by John Madden and the producers were changed. Even though John Madden (former head coach for the Oakland Raiders) said he isn’t a very good of a Madden football player he has influenced the developers greatly in giving tremendous ideas into the design process.…show more content…
The latest game, Madden NFL 16, featured New York Giants wide reviver Odell Beckham Jr. Electronic Arts and Sports Nation teamed up and held a voting session for fans and players to vote for their favorite athlete to cover the year’s Madden game. Sixteen athletes a year are voted on and each week someone is eliminated. The final two athletes are invited to a Sports Nation television broadcast were the results of the winners are revealed in front of video game fans. In two thousand thirteen a very special voting process held place. Sixty four athletes and hall of famers where entered into the bracket to cover Maddens twenty fifth anniversary of the game. Over the next month fans and players voted for the cover athlete. Barry Sanders, a former running back for the lions, won the competition and was the cover athlete in that year’s
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