Macpac Code Of Ethics Summary

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Critique of a professional Code of Ethics Introduction This section contains a summary of the ethical conduct for employees of MACPAC (The Mid-Atlantic Consolidated Patient Account Center). MACPAC is a departmental agency within the Department of Veterans Affairs in Ashville, North Carolina. Recently an ethics committee was form to revise the Fourteen Principles of Ethical Conduct (See appendix A). These principles form the basis for the standard of ethical conduct regulation for MACPAC personnel to follow. The code of ethics is a set of guidelines and organization formulates to help its staff and management in the conduct of their actions in accordance with the primary values and ethical standards. Cooper (2012) argues, “Ethic’s laws generally…show more content…
3. Purpose of Ethical Standards • Maintain Trust and Confidence. • Avoid Criminal and Civil Penalties. • SUBPART A - GENERAL PROVISIONS § 2635.101 Basic obligation of public service. 4. Pancake Logic • Violations of criminal statutes. • Violations of Civil and ethical standards. • SUBPART A - GENERAL PROVISIONS § 2635.106 Disciplinary and corrective action. 5. What You Can & Cannot Do • Walking on thin ice. • SUBPART E - IMPARTIALITY IN PERFORMING OFFICIAL DUTIES § 2635.502 Personal and business relationships. 6. Rule • Disclaimer whenever you identify your VA position in an outside activity. • SUBPART E - IMPARTIALITY IN PERFORMING OFFICIAL DUTIES § 2635.502 Personal and business relationships. • 7. Disclaimer • Stating views presented. 8. Outside Employment and Activities • May not engage in outside employment that conflicts with your official duties. • SUBPART A - GENERAL PROVISIONS § 2635.107a. • SUBPART H - GENERAL PROVISIONS § 2635.801a, b (1) (2). 9. Gifts • Cannot solicit or accept from prohibited source because of employee position. • SUBPART B – GIFTS FROM OUTSIDE SOURCERS § 2635.201. 10. Gifts Between Employees • SUBPART B – GIFTS BETWEEN EMPLOYEES § 2635.301. 11. Misuse of…show more content…
However the difference between a code of ethics and a code of conduct is often unclear in its usage, but there is a difference. A code of ethics is an attempt by an organization to codify the values within the organization by telling its employees of what is right and what is wrong as a guide to decision making. It is often a social or moral guide than a way of dictating behavior. Whereas, code of conduct are specific rules that outline specific practices and behaviors to be encouraged or prohibited. Jacobs states, “Code of ethics improve upon the quality of life not only for themselves, but also for members of their groups, organizations and societies” (Jacobs, 2013a). Both codes promote ethical behavior among members of a group and

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