Examples Of Machiavelli In Macbeth

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Traits of Machiavelli found in Macbeth The actions of Macbeth support the political theories of Machiavelli because he shows cowardly and covetous traits. Since the moment Macbeth rose to power and became king he was paranoid about being dethroned. Because of this he seeks out the witches for guidance on how to prevent bad things that are to come in the future. When he finds the witches they present him to their three bosses and advise him to follow the advice they give. The first of the witch’s bosses apprises him to beware Macduff. The second, however, tells Macbeth that no man can kill him. Meaning macduff no longer poses a threat to Macbeth. When Macbeth is informed by the witch’s first boss to beware Macduff he urgently starts to conspire his death. When told he will not be harmed by any human his initial speculation is to let Macduff live, but then hastily elects to kill him just to be safe. Macbeth states…show more content…
It is cowardly to kill someone who need not be killed. With only being told to beware Macduff Macbeth has no reason to kill him. After being appointed Thane of Cawdor as prophesized by the witches, Macbeth goes to speak with King Duncan in hopes to see the rest of the witches prophecy unfold with himself becoming king. Macbeth is quickly disheartened when King Duncan appoints his son Malcolm as next in line to rule Scotland. Although Macbeth presents a pleasant, calm demeanor on the outside he is filled with rage on the inside. In Macbeth’s mind he has two options. He could choose to let Duncan’s decision be and allow Malcolm to be the heir to his throne. Or, he could kill King Duncan and take the throne by

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