Macbeth Act 4 Scene 2

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The Discussion of Macbeth 4:2 Treatment of Significant Themes William Shakespeare wrote many plays. He wrote comedies, histories, and tragedies. One of his most known tragedies is called Macbeth. The main characters, Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, change quite drastically throughout the play. At the beginning, Macbeth is said to be a noble and worthy man. His cousin, Duncan, who happens to be king, even calls Macbeth loyal. Little did he know, Macbeth was going to prove all of these statements wrong a little later in the play. Lady Macbeth on the other hand, was deceiving and conniving and rarely felt remorse for her actions. Her feelings changed completely by the end. In Macbeth, it is important to note that there were both off-stage…show more content…
It starts in scene 2 and is constantly referred back to every time Macbeth decides to follow through with another murder. “Lady Macbeth initiates this disjunction of ‘manly’ from ‘humane’ by calling Macbeth’s manhood (in a narrowly sexual sense) into question: he responds by renouncing all humane considerations, and, when he learns that he cannot be killed by any man born of woman, this renunciation of human kinship and its moral constraints is complete.” (Ramsey) Lady Macbeth uses her manipulating powers to make Macbeth feel like less of a man because he had second thoughts on murdering King Duncan, who just so happened to be his cousin. Macbeth knew it was the only way he could be king, and he knew it was one of the prophecies, but that didn’t mean that it was the right thing to do. Not only did Lady Macbeth question his manhood and tell Macbeth he was too full of human kindness, but she also questioned his love for her. Did he not love her enough to follow through with the murder of Duncan? Did he not love her enough to make her the queen? With ease, she convinced him, and that was just the…show more content…
‘New honors come upon him, / Like our strange garments, cleave not to their mould / But with the aid of use’ says Banquo about Macbeth, trying to explain why he is lost in thought just after he has been named Thane of Cawdor. Here "strange" means "new," and "cleave" means "fit," and "mould" means "shape," and "use" means "habit." So Banquo is saying that Macbeth is mentally trying on his new "honors," his title of Thane of Cawdor, but the title doesn't quite fit, and won't, until Macbeth gets used to it.” (Weller) In all the scenes of Macbeth, once Macbeth is king, his character struts around stage in clothes that do not fit him. Not once does he have an outfit that fits him correctly. His unfitting attire has a direct correlation with him as king. His royal clothes don’t fit him because he is unfit to be king. Banquo maybe meant that the title doesn’t quite fit and it won’t until Macbeth gets used to it, but the title never fits Macbeth because a king is not supposed to be a mass

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